10 Things To Do That Will Make Your Bad Day Better


Let’s face it, bad days are inevitable, but we’d all avoid them if we could. Sometimes it’s a few bad things in a day, and sometimes it’s just a rough week in general, but even on a bad day the show must go on. Life is still happening around you, work still needs to get done, and you’ve got to do what you can to find a better mood, so you can finish the day better than it started. So what can you do to make a bad day better? Glad you asked. Sometimes all it takes is something small to change your mood, so here are 10 quick and easy things you can do to get you out of that funk and turn your day around.

10 Things You Can Do To Make A Bad Day Better

Sing / Dance It Out

I put this one first because it’s my personal favorite. I grew up as a dancer so I love music and moving my body. Let's be honest, we all have that one song that when it comes on you do not care where you are or who is around you, you're about to dance it out, drop it like it’s hot, and act like you’re in the club and don’t care who’s watching. Your favorite music inevitably makes you feel better and puts a smile on your face. Put together a playlist (or check out one of mine on Spotify) with your favorite songs that get you pumped up, and dance around to it when you’re feeling down.

Get Outside

Fresh air helps your body AND your mind. Even if you’re like me and not an outdoor-loving person at all (I hate heat and bugs, and there’s too much of both in North Carolina!), stepping outside for just a few minutes and feeling the sun on your face and wind in your hair just helps you relax, clear your head, and re-energize your body. Go for a short walk or just step out on the patio with your dog, stretch your legs out and just feel yourself relax and breathe. It’ll definitely make you feel better.

Talk To Your Mom, Best Friend, Etc.

We’ve all got that one person. Maybe it’s your mom, your best friend, a business colleague, your spouse, or even one of your kids, but there’s someone that you know puts a smile on your face every time you talk to them. Whoever your person is that you can lose track of time gabbing with, give them a quick call or send a few texts and chat with them until you’re laughing. We all have people that we love to be around and talk to because they make us feel better, so use that to your advantage and enjoy their company, even if it’s just for a few minutes digitally.

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Make A Gratitude List

This is something I do every morning in a journal anyway, but it’s a great thing to do when you’re feeling down. Even on your worst day, you know you have tons to be thankful for (um, hello? You’re here and alive and healthy and have the potential to turn the day around!) and this process is just about reminding yourself of those things. It can be however many things you want, but the worse your day is, the more things you should write down. Once you’ve written down tons of things you’re grateful for, you probably won’t feel as bad about your current situation.


I already mentioned getting outside, but this deserves it’s own number. Go for a run, a walk, take a dance, yoga, or pilates class, or just exercise in your living room on your own. Even if you don’t love working out and you feel your muscles aching and yourself getting sweaty and tired, everyone feels better after a workout. You get your blood pumping, endorphins high, and give yourself so much more energy. In doing all of that, you’ll feel better about your situation or at least forget about it long enough to have a better day.

Make Your Bed Or Do The Dishes

Or do a load of laundry or vacuum the floors or walk the dog or anything else that you can do easily and makes you feel productive. When I’m having a bad day, being productive is the quickest way to forget about why I’m having a bad day. If you’re focused on the task at hand and on getting things done, then you don’t have time to focus on the bad things. You’ll feel more productive, then be in a better mood, and then have the added bonus of your chores being done and knocked out.

Do Something Creative

This can be whatever you want. Paint, draw, craft, dance, or even make some fun TikTok videos. Whatever you like to do that let’s your creative skills play and allows you to have fun and be silly. If you’re putting your brain’s focus on something you enjoy, then you’ll let yourself get lost in the creation, relax and have fun, and inevitably turn your day around.

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Change Up Your Schedule

This one doesn’t always work because it depends on your schedule, but sometimes it really helps to just mix things up a bit. If you’re in a funk because you don’t feel productive or don’t enjoy what you’re working on, it can help to move it to later in the day or even the next day and work on something that you know you can get done or that’s more fun for you to work on (this is obviously assuming you don’t have some kind of deadline!) Even moving something to later in the day so you can spend a little time for yourself first can really help cheer you up.

Watch Your Favorite Movie

Just like music, we all have our favorite movie that we could watch a thousand times, quote every single line, and never get bored of. My personal favorite is The Greatest Showman, and I can quote the lines, sing the songs, and still tear up every time. Whatever your movie is, take 2 hours for yourself to curl up and watch it, and let yourself get lost in a different world for a little while. Every time I watch my favorite movie, I feel like I can go take on the world and knock out my whole to-do list along with the hundred other new ideas I just came up with. It’ll work, I promise.

Do Something Spontaneous

Some of the best memories my husband and I have are times when we just did something crazy and random and let our inner little kid take over. Build a blanket fort in your living room. Go out in your backyard and watch the stars. Play truth or dare with your spouse. Go try the new restaurant you’ve been wanting to try. Just do something unplanned and fun, and let yourself be free and wild. It’ll put a smile on your face and you’ll forget all about that bad day.


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